"What belongs together, grows together " – not so much politically, perhaps, but all the more effectively do the three subject fields which have long characterized the electronics industry complement each other: Measurement technology, microsystem technology and sensors. Sensor-Technik Wiedemann GmbH (STW), part of the bedrock of this branch in Germany, has been processing these topics for thirty years, and is now merging them into one business field.

These synergies reinforce the impact and point the way to the new orientation of the product portfolio, according to Wolfgang Wiedemann, Managing Director of STW GmbH. He is convinced that the future lies in specialized solutions for the most challenging applications. It is the extremes of the application spectrums, which intrigue him: Particularly high and particularly low temperatures, aggressive media, long utilization durations, the smallest geometries. Providing solutions for these applications can only be successful if the disciplines within a company collaborate closely and constructively.

"The prerequisites for this are more than favorable" says Wolfgang Pelzel, Manager of this new business field. He sees the development of a strong market in a mature environment. There is sufficient space for fundamental innovation, as well as for specialization and growth.