Using service projects in openSYDE

STW’s open source software platform openSYDE enables the creation and use of service projects. These projects give users limited access to the system. This is particularly useful when openSYDE is to be used by service personnel, for machine maintenance or for updating the control system for example. Service personnel are provided with the necessary functions, but have no possibility to make changes at the system level.  

The usability and convenience of openSYDE, such as graphical dashboards and drag-and-drop operation, is maintained. However, the security and integrity of the machine and control system is not compromised. In a detailed video tutorial we explain how these projects are created and how users can access them. 

openSYDE is STW's open source software platform for system design, commissioning, parameterization,  and code generation. As part of the development process, openSYDE invokes the necessary development environments. It also provides for updating and flashing control units, integrating 3rd party products, and includes a CAN monitor. It can be used to create dashboards to display live operational data, and can automatically generate system documentation. Customer specific adaptions and extensions are also possible.